প্লাটিনাম সদস্য

Psicólogo de formação e especialista em Neuropsicologia. Possuo interesse especial nos processos cognitivos subjacentes ao xadrez. Aprecio também aspectos da cultura enxadrística que envolvem a interface do xadrez com a política, a literatura, as neurociências e a história. 

Trained psychologist and specialist in neuropsychology. I have a special interest in the cognitive processes underlying chess. I also appreciate aspects of chess culture that involve the chess interface with politics, literature, neurosciences and history.

Dear daily chess club administrators:

I observe the upcoming challenges accepted by clubs every day, but I try to avoid as much as possible being paired to suspicious accounts due to the loss of time, stress and hassle that this represents. To avoid this, I try to enter the challenges just minutes before the matches. I will no longer enter matches that are not the day before they take place. If the possibility arises of facing newly created, anonymous accounts, second accounts and suspected cheating, I ask for your understanding, but I will not participate in these events. I realize that after a certain rating range, cheating becomes a common virus in daily chess and this creates a lot of setbacks for those who face these suspicious accounts.


 Thank you for understanding.

Obsessive Chess Disorder.
Obsessive Chess Disorder. ১৯৮ জন সদস্য
Team Brazil
Team Brazil ২,১৩৬ জন সদস্য
Mindy's CLUB 960
Mindy's CLUB 960 ৮৩০ জন সদস্য
Viktor Korchnoi chess club
Viktor Korchnoi chess club ৩২৭ জন সদস্য
Total 960
Total 960 ৯২৮ জন সদস্য