
The Power of the Capture-Check

The Power of the Capture-Check

Capture with check and force your opponents to resign!

Have you ever wondered how strong players can calculate forcing variations? Do you have trouble using forced moves in your own games? Then this is the course for you! There's not much more forcing than capturing a piece with check! This course teaches you to use the power of a capture-check in your calculations. You will learn to examine capture-checks in every complicated situation. No matter how foolish the move may seem at first glance, it may be the key to complicated tactics. Start using capture-checks today!

Here is what you will learn:

  • Practice calculating important tactics!
  • Learn about the power of the capture-check!
  • Start winning by using capture-check calculations!

Anderssen-Harrwitz, 1848

I recommended that my students look for all captures and checks and especially capture checks when examining a sharp position.
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Barle-elen, 1979

The capture-check may not be the first move of the attack. Often it lies at the end. That's why you have to examine all forcing moves, to see where they lead.
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Evans-Zuckerman, 1966

You need to look for potential capture-checks to solve deep tactics, like this mate in 6.
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Anderssen-Dufresne, 1852

This famous gem should be familiar, but if it isn't, have fun solving it! Notice that Black is threatening his own checkmate at g2.
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Furman-Konstantinopolski, 1948

In the game, black didn't play the toughest defense and got mated in 6. With best play it is mate in 12. Find both solutions.
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Keres-Foldsepp, 1932

It is amazing how many white pieces take part in this attack. Once you start off in the right direction, the rest pretty much plays itself.
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Kasparov -Karpov 1985

Kasparov uncorked a classic sacrifice that took out the World champion! The combination can end with a capture-checkmate, though black could choose to prolong the torture.
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Kotronias-Adams, 1992

This one includes a classic finish that you need to know. It is mate in 5 by Black.
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Olafsson-Quinteros, 1974

White either achieves a winning position or checkmate in 6. We'll follow the checkmating path, but to start, just look for the forced win.
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Podzerov-Kunstowicz, 1970

This example involves our favorite target square leading to a smothered mate ending in a capture-check. Have fun!
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Ribli-Marjanovic, 1979

This is mate in 7, but forced and not too hard to spot.
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Vaisman-Stefanov, 1979

White seems to be attacking with one knight and has to worry about his queen. But a series of forcing moves leads to mate in 7.
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Schiller-Laskowski, 1980

Sometimes a capture-check is made possible because of a pin. The assistant can be far away, on the other side of the board. So you want to make sure you notice such resources.
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Staunton--Hartrison, 1840

In this ancient example, the win involves a windmill, which means discovered capture-checks will be used. Black could have avoided checkmate, but would have a hopeless position. So fire away!
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Trapl-Lengyel, 1964

The goal here is to win material by setting up capture-checks.
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Vaisman-Bielczyk, 1977

This time our capture-checks are used to force a draw is a bad position.
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Vladimirov-Vorotnikov, 1973

The danger of an exposed king is well-illustrated in this example. Black gets checkmated in the main line, but alternatives would have left him hopelessly behind in material.
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Wade-Kuipers, 1977

The legendary British Master and trainer Bob Wade passed away in 2008. This example displays his combination skill. The start is simple but then you need to find the finish!
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Westerinen-Sigurjonsson, 1978

One common use of combination is to achieve a winning endgame. This wonderful example of multiple discovered checks is a great example
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Unzicker-Antoshin, 1965

Black seems to have a win on the queenside. But White can play a combination leading to a winning endgame with an extra exchange.
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Averbakh-Bondarevsky, 1951

We end with one brilliant example, from my friend Yuri Averbakh, Grandmaster and International arbiter, still active in his mid-80s.
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The Power of the Capture-Check

21 课程
113 挑战