Test yourself against the best games of the world chess champion!
Grandmaster Simon Williams combines an introduction to gambits after the first move 1.e4 with some famous games from chess history!
GM Ben Finegold shows the biggest mistake you can make in chess, resigning in a winning or drawn position.
World Champion Magnus Carlsen teaches you how to attack! By going through some of his best games, Magnus shows his method of quietly closing in on the opponent's king, even without giving up material.
The Chess.com Curriculum Director, Jeremy Kane, put together his list of the ten most beautiful chess moves ever played. See if you can spot them and let us know what other moves should have made the list.
Find the moves in great games by some of today's top chess streamers.
Chess has been a staple of movies for generations. Check out some of the greatest chess movie moments from James Bond to Harry Potter!
GM Daniel (Danya) Naroditsky is not only a great chess broadcaster, but he's also one of the strongest blitz and bullet players in the world and capable of competing with anyone at classical chess! Check out five of his best games!
The Italian Opening is often called the Giuoco Piano, because of a couple of calm variations. However, GM Alexandra Kosteniuk demonstrates several amazing and sharp lines in this critical opening.
NM Sam Copeland has picked the 10 best games of every decade for the last century. Take a look at his picks for the 1960s and learn from the greatest games of an amazing time period.
Teimour Radjabov won the Chess World Cup tournament in 2019, sat out the 2020 Candidates, and will be competing in the 2022 Candidates to challenge Magnus Carlsen. Check out his best games!
NM Sam Copeland has picked the 10 best games of recent decades. Take a look at his picks for the 1970s and learn from the greatest games of an amazing era!
Grandmaster Shakhriyar Mamedyarov is one of the strongest and most creative players today. Watch as he demonstrates how to find surprising and double-edged pawn advances in the opening!
Leonid Kubbel was a Russian composer of endgame studies. See if you can solve some of his trickiest and most beautiful problems.
What are the greatest chess games of the 21st Century? GM Surya Ganguly brings you his picks of these modern classics!
How does a contender prepare for a world championship match? GM Romain Edouard, who has worked with Veselin Topalov, shows you opening prep at the highest level.
NM Sam Copeland has picked the 10 best games of recent decades. Take a look at his picks for the 1980s!
Featuring six new lessons! How has India become a chess powerhouse? GM Surya Ganguly demonstrates the history of Indian chess from Sultan Khan through today's brilliant prodigies.
How do you beat a Grandmaster? GM Romain Edouard shows you how he's done it with many techniques. Learn how to win with opening preparation, kingside attacks, endgame technique, and risky play.
Do you want to crush your opponents early in the game? GM Ben Finegold will teach you the ideas behind every opening trap you'll want to know on both sides of the board.
How does a star player like Shakhriyar Mamedyarov prepare openings to win quickly? He surprises his opponent with sharp complications right away!
WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili wraps up her course on every sacrifice you'll ever need!
WGM Tatev Abrahamyan knows how to checkmate a king! In this course, she demonstrates how to catch an opposing king in every stage of the game.
Are you looking for an easy opening to play that will allow you to attack right away? GM Dejan Bojkov brings you an introduction to one of his favorite openings, the King's Indian Attack.
How do you decide what moves to play? IM Kostya Kavutskiy demonstrates several key techniques in evaluating candidate moves.