sometimes i stream!
Belisa Chess Youtube Channel Hi everyone! As many of you know, I'm currently on a "Makin my way to 2000 elo chess" journey... - Click to Play Me
Attila Turzo is at your service! You can follow and play with me on my stream at Would you like...
САЙТ http://shahmatkanal.comБУСТИТЕЛЕГРАМВК
- Schach Freund aus NRW - DemusOpalium
Hey! it's me Sed 🫶 , and I love playing chess. ▫️ Chess taught me to think ahead, adapt, and learn from failures... Pro music and variety streamer on Twitch/Kick. Very new to chess but excited to play more and improve! Husband....
Cheater detector - Plays with viewers - !join
Please follow me on Twitch:
Online Coaching Available! My name is Nicholas Rosenthal, and I am an ex-member of the St. Louis Arch Bishops in the Pro Chess League....
Hey! My name is Hunter, most people call me whiz. I started playing chess in late 2021, and I also stream chess every day at 7pm...
Chess instructor and coach, musician, streamer and bona fide human person.